Panasonic HC-X2000 4K內置直播功能攝影機 熱銷款全國各大學校院所採用

The built-in Leica Dicomar lens features a 24x zoom with its widest angle at 25mm, and it uses the digital iZoom feature to zoom up to 48x. The Face Detection AF feature allows you to track faces and automatically adjusts focus on your subject. It also features manual control rings, a control dial, and a 5-axis optical image stabilization to keep your shots steady. The 3.5" fold-out LCD features a high-resolution touchscreen. The camera records in .mp4, .mov, and AVCHD codecs and features HEVC compression. The camera incorporates two SD card slots, allowing you to use relay and simultaneous recording. The camera also supports live streaming over 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi via RTP/RTSP/RTMP/RTMPS streams.

The VW-HU1 removable top handle unit is included, which provides two 3-pin XLR inputs that can be switched between mic, line, and +48V phantom power, and feature individual volume control knobs. A built-in LED light on the front of the unit allows you to illuminate your subject with a soft, diffused light and it also features dimming. A microphone holder is also attached to hold a standard shotgun mic, and the handle also features a shoe mount and mounting thread for additional accessories.


業界最小,最輕的* 4K 60p導演攝像機,可隨身攜帶,以進行即時,精確的拍攝。

HC-X2000 特點
① 1/2.5 英吋/8.29M 畫素/MOS 感光元件
② 24x 光學變焦、48x數位 iZOOM
③ HYBRID O.I.S. 五軸光學防手震技術
④ 鏡頭手動雙環(對焦環&變焦環)
⑤ 4K 高準度自動對焦。人臉AF自動偵測,AE自動補償被攝者的曝光
⑥ FHD 模式下可拍攝 120 格慢動作記錄
⑦ 錄製 4K60p影像。3G-SDI、4K HDMI 輸出
⑨ 主動式散熱設計
⑩ 4:2:2 10-bit SD卡內部錄製


最小,最輕的4K 60p便攜式攝像機

業內最小,最輕的* 4K 60p導演攝像機,可隨身攜帶,以進行即時,精確的拍攝。

*對於帶有可進行4K 60p錄製的集成鏡頭的攝像機(截至2020年1月6日。Panasonic研究)。


業界最小最輕的4K 60p導演攝錄機


廣角25mm *和24倍光學變焦鏡頭






在兩種UHD / FHD模式下,除了光學圖像穩定功能外,電子圖像穩定功能還可以檢測併校正5軸方向上的握手。球形OIS系統減少了驅動部分的摩擦,特別是改善了小振幅模糊的校正。


新型超薄風扇將熱量分散在帶有集成鏡頭和4K 60p錄製功能的便攜式攝像機中。它是業界最小,最輕的單元,具有低功耗。


使用HEVC(LongGOP / 10位4:2:0 / MOV)編解碼器支持59.94p / 50p視頻錄製的200 Mbps高比特率,以及以FHD進行10位錄製的120 / 100fps *超級慢動作*。

* 59.94Hz:120fps,50Hz:100fps

4:2:2 10位內部記錄

使用SD卡記錄高達LongGOP UHD 29.97p / 25p(150 Mbps)或FHD 59.94p / 50p(100 Mbps)的4:2:2 10位顏色配置文件。通過HDMI輸出10位UHD 59.94p / 50p圖像。


兼容RTSP / RTP / RTMP / RTMPS的高清流媒體可將音樂會,體育賽事和新聞快訊的中繼直接連接和分發到Facebook,YouTube等。

Panasonic HC-X2000 4K內置直播功能攝影機 熱銷款全國各大學校院所採用